William L. Bates
Willis A. Nye
Studio located on Larimer SW corner 15th in the Tabor building.
Listed in the Denver City Directory for 1879, 1880, & 1881.
W. L. Bates left town. (Bradstreet Weekly, 1884)
W. A. Nye appears to have moved to Duluth, Minn and operated a studio there in the 1890's & 1900's.
CHARLES BOHM (Born 1846)
284 Fifteenth St.
Denver, Colorado
In 1848, at age 2, Charles arrived with his family from Germany settling in New Jersey.
Bohm was an engraver, jeweler, and real estate developer.
In about 1871 he moved permanently to Denver and opened a studio as an engraver, designer, and photographer.
He was the employer of Frank and Albert Rinehart, the famous brothers best known for their native american photography
ALFRED E. RINEHART (1851 - 1915)
413 Larimer St.
Denver, Colorado
Studio location from 1881 - 1886
Oct. 21, 1851 Indiana, USA
1915 Denver County, Colorado
Alfred Edward Rinehart, a pioneer photographer, was born 21 Oct 1851 in Clarks Hill, Indiana, the son of John Byers and Mary (Cooly) Rinehart. He and his brother, Frank moved to Colorado in the 1870s and found employment at the Charles Bohm photography studio, in Denver. In 1881 the Rinehart brothers formed a partnership with famous Western photographer William Henry Jackson, who had achieved widespread fame for his images of the West. Under Jackson's teachings, Rinehart perfected his professional skills, In 1888 Mr. Rinehart a great lover of children opened his new photography gallery at 16th & Arapahoe Streets, in the Wolfe Londoner building on the buildings top floor. A major article in a Denver Newspaper states," The new photographic gallery opened by Mr. A. E. Rinehart, the popular photographer, in Wolfe Londoner's new building, between sixteenth and seventeenth streets, attracts crowds of visitors. It is the largest and most complete establishment of the kind in the world, embracing more rooms, finer accessories and greater conveniences for retouching, copying, printing, and operating than any gallery heretofore opened.
He photographed many of Denver 's pioneers Tabor, Baby Doe Tabor and her two baby daughters, Lily and Silver Dollar, Mountain Man Jim Baker and Kit Carson.
Mr. Rinehart's last studio was at 1522 Welton. He died suddenly at the age of 63 in 1915. Death was caused by appendicitis and a complication of other diseases. He is buried in the family plot at Riverside Cemetery .
Frank Rinehart and Anna, the receptionist of Jackson's studio, married and in 1885 moved to Nebraska. In downtown Omaha, Rinehart opened a studio in the Brandeis Building, where he worked until his death.
The A.E. Rinehart Collection
Photographs and Memories